Plugin Tag: alert
Emergency Alerts
(0 total ratings)Create emergency alerts for your website. Inspired by the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, but usable for all sorts of messaging that you need to get …
(1 total ratings)Add Google Alerts to any WordPress Page or Text Widget with a [WPGAlerts] short code.
(0 total ratings)help you avoid a situation where you publish post but forgot to set title / tags / categories / faetured images / etc.
VGPodcasts AlertBar Plugin
(0 total ratings)Adds a configurable alertbar to the top of your Wordpress blog pages when enabled. Also adds a Dashboard Widget to easily turn the AlertBar on and off …
WP Admin Notice
(0 total ratings)A wordpress plugin allows you to show a simple notice to alert admins in dashboard.
KiduNotifier Pixel Code Handling
(0 total ratings)KiduNotifier is the easiest marketing platform that leverages and automates the real power of website notifications to instantly increase trust, conve …
DB Error Customizer – Free
(1 total ratings)With DB Error Customizer, it helps you to handle Error establishing a database connection problem easily and professionally.
TCBD Alert
(1 total ratings)This plugin will enable Awesome Bootstrap Alert box in your Wordpress theme.
Notify Comment Reply
(0 total ratings)Notify the comment author via email when someone replies to his/her comment.
Flash Notification
(0 total ratings)Create custom notification and alert bar for marketing promotions, alerts, increasing click throughs to other pages and so much more.
(1 total ratings)Frontend Alert selected post or page from having a option to selece page or post and add custom alert view in fron when selected page or post load.
D7SMS for Woocommerce
(2 total ratings)Send SMS to customers as well as store owner for all the updates on orders .
Awesome Alert Blocks
(0 total ratings)Awesome Alert Blocks notices for the new WordPress block editor.
Better Banners
(0 total ratings)Create and customize banners to display at the top of your website.
(0 total ratings)This plugin will show a popup cookie alert for the cookie consent. with a confirm button/close button.