Plugin Tag: categories
WP Smart Taxonomy
(4 total ratings)A cool new Wordpress plugin that helps you to make smart collection of posts.
Label list for Categories and Archives
(0 total ratings)This Label List Widget helps you to create a nice category or archive list with labels.
(0 total ratings)Add some splash of color to your site by color coding all you categories. Use DaeColor to color code your posts.
Page Category & Archive Menu
(0 total ratings)You can embed page, category, and archive menu in your Wordperss site. You can get documentation and view demos from following site:
Theme Folders
(1 total ratings)A plugin to sort themes. For an easy overview about your favorite Themes.
Automatic Galleries
(0 total ratings)Create automatic galleries in posts based on media categories or tags. Saves time by automatically creating WordPress galleries using custom categori …
Multisite Global Terms
(6 total ratings)Allow global terms across all blogs on a multisite installation.
- Cross-Post
(0 total ratings)Cross-Post from your blog to your self-hosted WordPress website
Require Categories when Creating Products – WooCommerce
(2 total ratings)Force users to select a product category when creating or editing WooCommerce Products. For example, make category required.
(0 total ratings)Enables themes to support custom single.php templates per category in the form single-CATEGORYID.php.
Disable Feed Category
(0 total ratings)This simple plugin disables the "Category" field in your RSS/Atom feeds.
(3 total ratings)Cat-Pass lets you password-protect categories. Caution: deactivating the plugin will render your protected posts visible again.
User-Cats Manager
(0 total ratings)Provides to admin users a way to select what categorie determined users can write. (administrators have access to all categories)
Easy Chart Categories
(0 total ratings)This is a WordPress plugin that provides a WordPress shortcode that will display your categories in a chart and another that will display your tags.
Label Plugins
(3 total ratings)A plugin to label plugins. For an easy overview about your favorite plugins.